It’s The Process, Not The People

The Twin Flame phenomenon has captivated imaginations for centuries, yet it remains shrouded in myths and misconceptions. Since 2017, it seems everyone’s been searching for their “twin flame,” often at a great cost. Let’s dispel the confusion and explore the truth behind this profound spiritual process.

Beyond Duality: The Essence of Twin Souls

First, it’s crucial to understand the distinction between Twin Flames and Twin Souls. The concept of Twin Flames referring to two halves of one soul splitting is inaccurate.
Twin Souls, however, are two souls who once were one and now share an almost identical energetic signature. They are part of a Soul Branch, a group of twelve souls that journey together across lifetimes. Within this branch are six Soul Nests, each containing two souls, aka Twin Souls. Each Soul Nest has its energetic signature. The Near Twin Souls have some similarities, but they are all distinct.
Twin Flames represent the culmination of a successful journey for the entire Soul Branch. Yes, you read that right. When all six soul nests “graduate,” meaning have ascended beyond the old soul (this is an age stage to differentiate souls’ evolution), reaching a state of “Magna Cum Laude” enlightenment after completing the twelve stages of the process. “Twin Flame” is a shortened version of “Twin Souls Becoming a Flame.”
Why is understanding this distinction important? Because if you declare yourself a “Twin Flame” before the necessary inner work, you risk getting stuck in a prolonged phase of disharmony, mistakenly referred to as “Separation” by many. Having two things completely erroneous, the whole process seems to get many people nowhere.

A Multifaceted Journey: Purpose of the Twin Flame Process

The Twin Flame is a process. One doesn’t become a Twin Flame just by saying or becoming a member of a Twin Flame community. The process unfolds in stages, for three important purposes: Spiritual purpose first, collective purpose, and finally personal purpose.
Spiritual: The core purpose is for souls to expand and enter a new age, surpassing the old soul and reaching the exalted soul. Before this new age, a soul develops as an infant, baby, young, mature, and old soul.
Collective: As Twin Souls progress through the twelve stages, they naturally inspire others around them to evolve. The more advanced they become, the wider and faster their impact ripples through the collective consciousness. It’s important to avoid misinterpreting this as Twin Souls being “special” or “saviors.” Even sadder is that the leaders have been misleading so far, and the Twin Flame process did not inspire many; to the contrary, they have given the impression that the people are “lost” and have “bigger than life egos.” So far, the “Twin Flame” community has failed its assignment, for lack of better words.
Personal: Ultimately, the process is about reconnecting with the Divine (God) through self-realization. Achieving a personal purpose requires extensive inner work, which can be challenging. It forces individuals to confront their deepest emotional wounds, limiting beliefs, and ego-driven desires. While initially painful, this process ultimately leads to profound wisdom, self-acceptance, and authentic inner peace.

Dispelling the Myths: Stepping Beyond Misconceptions

Many misconceptions cloud the understanding of the Twin Flame process. Here, we address two common ones: The 11:11 Phenomenon: Seeing numbers like 11:11 many times is not a definitive sign of encountering your Twin Soul. Seeing angel numbers as 11 11 is often experienced by all people on a spiritual path, signifying a heightened awareness that there is more than the mundane reality.
Calling in Your Twin Soul: The notion that you can “call in” your Twin Soul is a misconception. It has led to many toxic relationships, as people often end up attracting karmic soulmates instead. The timing and circumstances of meeting the Twin Soul are preordained, aligning with a soul’s growth and purpose. While individuals can cultivate their spiritual growth and openness to connection, the encounter unfolds according to a divine plan and structure – which ONLY a few are aware of. God didn’t leave us in the dark regarding this process. However, only the devoted Twin Souls realize how much easier it is to navigate when one becomes aware of the “structure.” Twin Souls yearn for pure love and a connection with the Divine from a young age. They will have already done some inner work upon meeting their other half. It’s highly unlikely that someone who hasn’t actively pursued self-improvement will find themselves thrust into this intensive “fine-tuning” process.
The Unfolding Journey: A Lifelong Dance
The Twin Flame process is a unique and individual experience that unfolds over lifetimes. It’s rare for a Twin Soul to become a Twin Flame in a single lifetime. This process involves intense connection, growth-induced challenges, long periods of deep inner work, and embodying new qualities. These are the inevitable “growing pains” of the path.

Transformation on All Levels

You might wonder, what exactly needs to change? Everything. Every aspect of your being undergoes purification – emotional, mental, spiritual, even your soul history, ancestral bloodline, subtle energy bodies, daily life, work, finances, and all relationships. Everything is evaluated against the divine feminine and masculine energies. Everything that is misaligned with the divine energies and the soul’s master plan in that incarnation will be polished. There is no “maybe, or if, or but” around it.
An important point to remember is that the process of becoming a Twin Flame doesn’t stop even if you choose to move on with a soulmate. Purification is inevitable, regardless of whether you are in a relationship with your Twin Soul.

Beyond Romance: The Reunion Path

Online “experts,” often soulmates masquerading as Twin Flames, possibly not even Twin Souls, have perpetuated the misconception that a Twin Soul connection is solely about a passionate romantic relationship.
While many Twin Souls desire a romantic relationship, not all Physical Reunions will manifest that way. Some may find deep connections as friends or business partners. However, one thing is certain: the Reunion path, not just the destination, culminates in a physical relationship for all Twin Souls who diligently and determinedly complete the required inner work.

The Hallmarks of a True Twin Soul Encounter

There are no “False Twin Souls,” only people who haven’t learned the important touch-points to recognize a true connection. Here are some key indicators of encountering your Twin Soul that happen for most people within days before and after meeting their Twin Soul.
A Sense of Knowing: Within minutes of conversation, without any logical explanation, you KNOW this person is VERY IMPORTANT, and you know what type of relationship this new person serves: best friends, lovers, life partners (marriage), or work-career-business partners.
Mutual Recognition: There’s a profound feeling of “coming home.” It makes NO sense why with a total stranger, just looking at you or uttering a few sentences feels like the “peace and comfort from angels.”
Intense Connection: The connection feels unlike any other, characterized by deep empathy, understanding, and a desire to be the best human being possible for this person.
Unconditional Love:Love is between souls, and it is felt immediately. Within a few days, you love this person and trust this person. They don’t earn it—you just trust them immediately.
Verbalized Intentions: You will discuss being in a relationship and the type of relationship. Unlike most relationships where feelings may be implied, Twin Souls directly express their desire for a relationship. This could involve one person saying, “I want to be in a relationship with you,” or “I want you to be my girlfriend/boyfriend/ friend/ husband/business partner.” There’s a clear and honest communication about what each person wants from the connection, way before they even realize what types of soul they are to one another.
The Eerie Element: The day you meet, you feel “pulled” towards a location at a specific time. Very rarely do Twin Souls discover one another on a planned romantic date. The universe often conspires to bring Twin Souls together, and the unexplainable pull—kind of magical at first, later becomes eerie.
Precognitive Dreams: Vivid dreams carrying symbolic messages or premonitions about a life-changing period are very common before or within a few days of meeting the Twin Soul. These dreams ALWAYS leave a lasting impression.

The Path Less Traveled: Facing Challenges

The Twin Flame journey is not for the faint of heart. Here are some of the challenges you might encounter:
Runner-Chaser Misconception: The runner-chaser labels are a misconception that causes people pain, physical separation, wasted time, and wasted potential, including financial loss. There is not a Chaser and a Runner. Both people are Runners and Chasers at the same time, however, for different things. Chasers run away from their pain and chase outside of themselves for love. Runners run away from the people who make them look at their pain, and they chase after success and social status. This is also, not the only dynamic that is present in the process. There are 22 dynamics – with “ roles” each Twin Soul adheres to.
Disillusionment and Disappointment: The idealized expectations of a Twin Flame relationship can lead to disillusionment when faced with the realities of human nature.
Karmic Relationships: Before encountering their Twin Soul, individuals may attract karmic partners who serve as mirrors, reflecting their unhealed wounds.
Remember: These challenges are not roadblocks but stepping stones to growth, and the obstacles can be overcome with perseverance, self-compassion, and a willingness to learn.
The Twin Flame process is a transformative journey of self-discovery, spiritual awakening, and profound love. It’s not about finding your other half to complete you, but rather about remembering God first, becoming whole within yourself secondly by balancing feminine and masculine energies, embodying the traits associated with these energies, and ultimately enjoying being with the other half of your soul, who is also whole, ending up in a Holy relationship, a sacred relationship.